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James T. Butts Jr. violating Civil Rights and the Law

 We welcome any comments, suggestions and updates from all like-minded residents. Even though there  may  be  times when we  have

many messages to respond to, so we will do our best to get back to you as quickly as we can.  

 All communications become the property of A.B.J.B.F.A. and may be posted on this page if it is appropriate and relevant.  Names, contact info and email addresses will be strictly protected.

  If you would like your message published, please provide a pen name to assure privacy.

Please send all comments, suggestions, evidence and updates to: 



Comments of Note:

   The L.A. Times Editorial Board stated in a June 5th, 2015 Editorial about the city's lawsuit to get some of the videos about Butts featured on this site off the internet: "If Butts and his allies on the Council don't want to be held accountable for what they do or say at public meetings, they should step down."


   A June 12, 2015 article on KCET Los Angles' website stated about the lawsuit:  Taxpayers funding a lawsuit that's meant to muzzle taxpayers--more ridiculousness."


   A legal analyst for the prestigious Washington Post stated in a June 3rd, 2015 article about Butts' and his council's lawsuit: " seems to me the city is going to lose." He was right!


   The First Amendment Coalition published a May 29, 2015 article entitled: "Shame on Inglewood.  Using copyright as a muzzle, the city files suit to censor a local critic." Shame!

Remember, the point is...

   Anybody But James Butts For Anything !

© Anybody But James Butts For Anything

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At Inglewood City Council meetings

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